Saturday, March 22, 2014

We are "The Pinterest Busters"

Have you ever pinned something thinking it looks like a great idea, but you never get around to actually trying it to see if it works? Well you are in luck! We are YOUR Pinterest busters. 
Comment and tell us what Pin you would like to see experimented. We will do the experiment and either “BUST” it or “CONFIRM” it, so you don’t have to. 

 Our First Experiment: Pedicure Dead Skin Removal.

We decided to start with this one because I (Amy) have some NASTY dead skin on my feet. I pumice a few times a week but still get it really bad (thanks Mom). We decided to try two of the most popular foot soaks on Pinterest; one on each foot. We will call one Milky and the other Listy. We had two goals in mind. One, to find out if either of these soaks actually works and two, to find out which one works best. And we DEFINITELY got our answer!


 Let’s start with Milky. On Pinterest, this one was called “Super soft feet for summer sandals.”  All you do is soak your feet in two cups of warm milk (or powdered milk) for five minutes.  Then rub baking soda on them, soak for five more minutes, and pat dry.   

The result: BUSTED!
 After patting them dry they were literally the exact same as before I started. To help it out, I used a pumice stone and scrubbed them for several minutes. The pumice stone got rid of some of the dead skin, but no more than when I typically scrub them.


Moving on to Listy. The recipe is simple: ¼ cup Listerine, ¼ cup white vinegar, ½ cup warm water. Just soak them for ten minutes and dry them. According to the pin, “the dead skin will practically wipe off.” 

The Result: BUSTED!

Well…sort of busted. The dead skin was still very attached to my foot. But I gave Listy the same chance I gave Milky and used a pumice stone to scrub my foot. Guess what…it worked! The dead skin came off easily and my feet were just as soft as they are after getting a professional pedicure! And not just a standard pedicure, but a pedicure with all the bells and whistles you pay extra for. I was astonished and am in love. Needless to say, I’ll be staying stocked up on Listerine and vinegar from now on!

Final Result: CONFIRMED!


After Soaking and Scrubbing

I left some dead skin on the back of my heel to show the comparison of soaking and wiping and soaking and scrubbing. 

Stay tuned for more Pinterest Busters and remember to send us your requests.

1 comment:


    I really wanna see if this works but i just can't find the time!! PPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE Help Pinterest Busters!!!
